Laurie Jacobsen Laurie Jacobsen

Replace Your Link In Bio App!

I want to share a little website PSA. You know how you can only have one link in your bio on Instagram and so you use another app so that you can have multiple links? Don’t use those apps!!!! 

Every single one of you that has a website has the ability to make a page on your website, no matter the platform, that can house all of those links/buttons. Name the page “links” or “Instagram” or “happy Monday” — whatever you like — then add your buttons to the page. 

This is important for a few reasons. 

  1. Other people’s apps can crash and then you’re lost. If the links are on your own site you never have to worry about that.

  2. Another important reason is SEO. I know I talk about SEO a lot but the more you can get people to your site and the longer you can keep them there, the higher you’ll rank in The Google.

  3. This also has the added benefit of being totally branded!!!!

Take a look at this 5 minute video I created on my Website Planner website showing you how to create your own “link in bio” page on your website. 

I really hope you enjoyed that!

Let me know in the comments if you do something like this on your website!

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